Bookwanderers, The Check Availability

Since her mother’s disappearance, 11-year-old Tilly Pages has been raised by her grandparents in their London bookshop, Pages & Co. She doesn’t question her origins until the day she witnesses her grandma speaking to one Lizzie Bennet. Soon afterward, she comes upon her grandad sitting with Sherlock Holmes. After Tilly herself is visited by Anne Shirley (of Green Gables) and Alice (of Wonderland fame), she learns that she comes from a family of bookwanderers, people so intensely connected to books that they can enter story worlds and interact with fictional characters. As Tilly delves deeper into the secret—and increasingly dangerous—world of bookwanderers, the mysteries of her parentage unravel.
Includes 15 paperback copies and 1 book club guide prepared by WCPL. Replacement cost is $6 per book and $17 for the bag.